Workshop "Methods in Ostracodology II"

(Institute of Earth Sciences, Geology and Palaeontology, Graz (Austria), 29-31 July 2011)

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Selected Contributions

A - Publications

  1. Baltanás, A. and Danielopol, D. L., 2011. Geometric Morphometrics and its use in ostracod research. Joannea Geol. Paläont. 11:235-272. PDF
  2.  Danielopol, D. L., Gross, M., Harzhauser, M., Minati, K. and Piller, W. E., 2011. How and why to achieve greater objectivity in taxonomy, exemplifiedby a fossil ostracod (Amplocypris abscissa) from the Miocene Lake Pannon. Joannea Geol. Paläont. 11: 273-326. PDF
  3. Namiotko, T., Danielopol D. L. & Báltanás, A., 2011. Soft body morphology, dissection and slide-preparation of Ostracoda: a primer. JoanneaGeol. Paläont., 11: 327-343. PDF
  4. Caporaletti, M., 2011. Ostracods and stable isotopes; proxies for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. JoanneaGeol. Paläont., 11: 345-359. PDF

B – Additional Information

  1. Boomer, I. Isotopes: Theory, Principles and Practicalities. PDF
  2. Frenzel, P. References for Transfer functions in Micropalaeontology. PDF
  3. Namiotko, T. and Danielopol, D. L. Ostracod Soft-part morphology, Dissection and Slide-preparation. PDF
  4. Danielopol, D. L. Documentation of practical work during MIO-2 PDF
  5. Gross, M. Final Message (on behalf of the Organisation Committee of MIO-2). PDF