Band 15
4. Jahrestagung von NOBIS Austria
2. - 3. Dezember 2010
Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz,
Graz 2010
ISSN 1608-8166
Agatha, S.
Astonishing Diversity of Somatic Ciliary Patterns in Oligotrichid Ciliates (Protista, Ciliophora)
Aubrecht, G.
“Do you know EDIT, CETAF, DEST, EJT, EoL and so on?” Initiatives for the promotion of taxonomy on a European level.
Berning, B., Harmelin, J.-G. & Bader, B.
Long-distance travels with short-lived larvae – the peculiarities of seamount bryozoans
Bilovitz, P.O. & Mayrhofer, H.
Lichenized Fungi diversity of the Balkan Peninsula
Danielopol, D.L., Gross, M. & Minati, K.
How and why to achieve more objectivity in taxonomy, exemplified on a fossil ostracod from long-lived Lake Pannon
Duda, M., Kruckenhauser, L., Haring, E., Harl, J. & Sattmann, H.
Habitat requirements of the pulmonate land snails Trochulus oreinos oreinos
and Cylindrus obtusus endemic to the Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria
Foissner, W.
Protists as bioindicators for soil quality
Gamauf, A., Däubl, B., Kryukov, A., Pinsker, W. & Haring, E.
Phylogeography and synchronous diversification of the Corvus corvids of the world
Greimler, J.
Crypitc diversity in European Gentianella section Gentianella (Gentianaceae)
Gross, M. & Piller, W.E.
Linking high-resolution environmental analyses and taxonomy: A case study on ostracods in deep time
Haider, M., Liesinger, K., Hörweg, C., Pecavar, V., Walochnik, J. & Sattmann, H.
Determination of the prevalence of Fascioloides magna (BASSI 1875) and other digenetic trematodes in Galba truncatula (O.F. MÜLLER 1774) in the area of Orth/Danube (Lower Austria)
Harl, J., Kruckenhauser, L., Sattmann, H., Duda, M. & Haring, E.
Phylogeography of the East-Alpine members of the landsnail species Orcula dolium (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Orculidae)
Harzhauser, M., Newman, W.A. & Grunert, P.
The roots of sea-turtle fouling barnacles (Chelonibiidae, Cirripedia, Balanomorpha)
Hasanacevic, D., Blaschitz, M., Rehak, S., Indra, A. & Walochnik, J.
Discriminating Legionella, atypical mycobacteria and Acanthamoeba using a MALDI biotyper
Heethoff, M., Laumann, M., Weigmann, G. & Raspotnig, G.
Integrative taxonomy: Combining chemical, morphological and molecular data for delineation of the parthenogenetic Trhypochthonius tectorum complex (Acari, Oribatida, Trhypochthoniidae)
Kern, A.K., Harzhauser, M., Soliman, A., Piller, W.E. & Gross, M.
From taxonomy to deep time resolution: decadal scale Late Miocene vegetation dynamics deciphered from palynomorph assemblages
Kerschbaumer, M., Postl, L., Koch, M., Wiedl, T.& Sturmbauer, C.
Morphological distinctness despite large-scale phenotypic plasticity – analysis of wild and pond-bred juveniles of allopatric populations of Tropheus moorii
Kido, E.
Increase of the corallum in the Silurian rugose coral Idiophyllum (Arachnophyllidae) from the Ningqiang Formation, China
Koblmüller, S. & Leonard, J. A.
The eastern wolf: truths and myths – a molecular perspective
Köck, G.
Biodiversität – Wer soll sie in Zukunft erforschen?
Kroh, A. & Mooi, R.
WoRMS and the World Echinoidea Database
Kroh, A., Mandic, O., Ziegler, A. & Miskelly, A.
Endoparasitic bivalves in Philippine palaeopneustid sea urchins (Echinoidea: Spatangoida)
Kruckenhauser, L., Haring E., Däubl, B. Cadahia, L., Zopp, L. & Sattmann, H.
Population genetics and phylogeography of Cylindrus obtusus (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicidae) an endemic of the Austrian Alps
Lerceteau-Köhler, E., Schliewen, U., Kopun. T. & Weiss, S.
Genetic variation in brown trout Salmo trutta across the Danube, Rhine, and Elbe headwaters: a failure of the phylogeographic paradigm?
Liesinger, K., Haider, M., Hörweg, C., Pecavar, V., Walochnik, J. & Sattmann, H.
Microscopic and molecular analyses on digenean trematodes in red deer (Cervus elaphus).
Madeira, P., Kroh, A. & Ávila, S.P
Echinoids from the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene & Pleistocene of Santa Maria Island, Azores
Mayrhofer, H. & Harutyunyan, S.
Lichen diversity of Armenia
Muggia, L. & Grube, M.
Systematics and cryptic species in lichenized fungi
Muggia, L. & Grube, M.
Species evolution in lichen symbiosis: Tephromela atra species-complex as a model study
Muggia, L., Baloch, E., Stabentheiner, E., Grube, M. & Wedin, M.
Photobiont association and genetic diversity of the optionally lichenized fungus Schizoxylon albescens
Neubauer, T.A., Mandic, O. & Harzhauser, M.
Quantifying evolution – paleolake mollusks from the Dinaride Lake System (Middle Miocene, Sinj Basin, SE Croatia)
Rakosy, D. & Paulus, H.F.
Biology and phylogeny of the Ophrys tenthredinifera species group in Crete
Raspotnig, G.
Oil gland chemistry as a source of novel taxonomic characters in glandulate Oribatida (Acari)
Reich, M. & Kroh, A.
Middle Miocene holothurians (Echinodermata) from the Vienna Basin (Austria)
Schuler, H.
The endosymbiont Wolbachia in fruit flies of the genus Rhagoletis: Horizontal transfer and impact in speciation
Soliman, A., Harzhauser, M., Kern, A.K. & Piller, W.E.
Miocene dinoflagellate cysts as links between taxonomy and oil industry
Srivastava, D.K. & Kroh, A.
Clypeasteroid echinoids of the Indian Subcontinent
Spribille, T., Pérez-Ortega, S., Tønsberg, T. & Schirokauer, D.
Mining lichen diversity: systematics as a framework for identifying ‘known unknowns’ in Alaska (U.S.A.)
Suttner, T.J.
What are conodonts?
Übelleitner, B. & Weiss, S.
Morphological and genetic analysis of moss-dwelling tardigrades
Walochnik, J. & Aspöck, H.
Is Babesia still Babesia?
Ziegler, A. & Kroh, A.
Is there independent anatomical support for the Odontophora (Echinoidea: Echinoida)?