Closed since 31.12.2012.
In 1963, the commission was established for editing the Catalogus Fossilium Austriae. Objectives of the commission were the promotion of research projects dealing with palaeoecosystems in Austria, the supervision of lithostratigraphic und palaeontologic databases (Lithstrat, OeTyp, Austrofossil) as well as participation in publishing the "Stratigraphische Tabelle von Österreich. The commision was closed 31.12.2012.
Publications of staff until 2012
Stratigraphical chart of Austria
Schriftenreihe der Erdwissenschaftlichen Kommissionen
Prof. Dr. Werner E. Piller
Department of Earth Sciences
Geology and
University of Graz
Heinrichstrasse 26
8010 Graz
Austria -
phone: +43 (0)316 380 5582
fax: +43 (0)316 380 9871